Reading Comprehension Topics

The most important Topics in Verbal Reasoning - Reading Comprehension

Lessons for Reading Comprehension

Following Lesson are available in Preparation in Reading Comprehension

Reading Comprehension

Reading comprehension understanding and interpreting written text by grasping main ideas

For full preparation


Sample Questions

More and more office workers telecommute from offices in their own homes. The upside of telecommuting is both greater productivity and greater flexibility. Telecommuters produce, on average, 20% more than if they were to work in an office, and their flexible schedule allows them to balance both their family and work responsibilities.


The paragraph best supports the statement that telecommuters


A. get more work done in a given time period than workers who travel to the office.
B. produce a better quality work product than workers who travel to the office.
C. are more flexible in their ideas than workers who travel to the office.
D. would do 20% more work if they were to work in an office.
Answer: A