Arithmetic Topics

The most important Topics in Quantitative Reasoning - Arithmetic

Lessons for Arithmetic

Following Lesson are available in Preparation in Arithmetic

Number Systems and Basic Rules

Number systems questions in HEC HAT-I assess understanding of numerical concepts accurately

Fractions and Decimals

HEC HAT-I may include questions on fractions decimals and their operations

Place and Face Value of Digits

Face and place value questions in HEC HAT-I assess understanding of numerical concepts


Arithmetic expressions and equations questions in HEC HAT-I assess problem-solving skills

Arithmetic Functions

Arithmetic functions in HEC HAT-I assess candidates' mathematical proficiency and problem-solving

Decimals and Inequalities

Decimals and inequalities for HEC HAT involve solving math problems using decimal operations and comparing values.

For full preparation


Sample Questions


A man sold of his items to the whole seller and of the rest to the retailers. He stores the rest of the all for the next month sale. What fraction of the total he has in the store?


A. 1/5
B. 1/20
C. 3/20
D. 5/9
Answer: C